Intermediate (U13)
Fee is $230 for Spring 2025.
Player league age is determined by age as of August 31, 2025.
Players league age 11, 12 and 13 are eligible to play Intermediate division.
Players league age 12 and 13 are eligible to play JR (U14).
Players may double roster in either Majors (U12) or JR (U14) depending on league age.
For Spring 2025, Capitol Little League will be offering SR (U16), JR (U14) and Intermediate (U13) baseball.
We believe there will be enough Intermediate teams in our District 3 Little League to keep games within our district.
Games will be played on weeknights and Saturdays. Most games will be at our complex but these teams will travel to other leagues.
Intermediate games will be played on Field 5 -70 ft. base path and 50 ft. mound to plate--It is a flex field with a portable mound and movable bases which will also be used for minor and majors.
Players in this division will be learning advance baseball skills-sliding, stealing, leading off, bunting. It is a designed to be a transition to high school baseball.
Game length is no new inning after 2 hrs. Continuous batting order; unlimited defensive substitution. We use Little League pitch count and days rest rules. Run limit of 5 runs/3 outs per inning. 7 innings but 5 Innings is complete game. Mercy rule 10 after 5 innings.
We have no lights at our fields so Saturday games have to be time limited to get all games scheduled for the day played.